Whether you're looking for individual lunches or a buffet display, there are a variety of sandwich options to meet everyone's tastes!
A la Carte beverage services - Starbucks Coffee, Tazo Hot Tea, variety of packaged, chilled options.
Gluten Free and Vegan lunches are available!
A variety of wraps are also available for either individual or buffet display lunches.
Our most popular salad - bright and flavorful! Strawberry Goat Cheese & Walnut, Berry Salad w/ Chicken, Chicken BLT. .
Enhance lunch offerings with one of our buffet salads - Crown Room Pesto Pasta Salad, Traditional Caeser Salad, Seasonal Mixed Greens.
Popular bites for a team social gathering. No social hour is completed without our Bacon Wrapped Dates. Charcuterie, Crown Room hummus and Whipped Feta Stuffed Mini Sweet Peppers. Vibrant and tasty!
Everyones' favorite - South of the Boarder Mexican buffet. Top your nachoes or make a soft taco with seasoned chicken, beef, nacho cheese sauce and classic toppings. Oh, and, Churro Donut Holes for dessert!
Looking for something more upscale? Our one and two entrée buffets offer chicken and salmon entrees along with Chef's Choice seasonal vegetable and starch. Salad and dessert are also included. Vegetarian options upon request.
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